Saturday, December 1, 2012

Number Days Sim Date Walkthrough

I thought about calling this post a walkthrough, but I don't have enough info and stuff for yet. So I'll just list here some helpful stuff for now! :)

I've been adding quite a lot of stuff here, so I'll call it a walkthrough now XD
I'm also really grateful to all the people who have given me their help with trying to complete this <3

It's a little spoilery, sorry!

 Number Days Sim Date Walkthrough

-Number Days Sim Date Tips tipss
-Robot Parts partss
-Food quest fozt
-Pennys penzz
-Stickers stck
-Photo Album phal
-Where people expire expr
-Endings edgs
-Cheat codes codz
-Correct answers anzw
-- Lena lenz
-- Bryce bryz
-- Thane zane
-- Arlo arlz
-- Spencer spez
-Gifts gifz
-- Lena len2
-- Bryce bry2
-- Thane 2ane
-- Arlo arl2
-- Spencer spe2

[[Number Days Sim  Date Tips]] tipss

¤ Try to focus mostly only on the character whose ending you want to get, since raising affection takes quite some time(it raises quicker if you give gifts that they like).
¤ Affection can actually decrease! So when you choose the chat option, think what would be the positive answer.
¤ You can only go watch the movies and go swimming if nobody has expired(aka gone back to the real world).
¤ A easy way to rise your number is by answering correctly to the characters(Heart bubble appears). Event like going swimming, going for a ride on the roller coaster and character specific event make the number raise too.
¤ For lowering the number, you just need to answer incorrectly or give gifts to others. Giving gifts decreases the number really quickly, so if you want to get the 1st ending that's the best way to do so.

[[Robot Parts]] partss
¤ By the Merry-Go-Round. Under the horses hoof.
¤ The shack near the pool. To the left of it.
¤ Outside the arcade. Next to the left window. It's to the left.
¤ Outside the cinema. Between the building and the figure.
¤ In the roller coaster. In the back-most seat.
¤ Outside the cafe. Near the left table.

[[Food quest]] fozt
¤ To finish it, just buy all the food that's in the cafe.

[[Pennys]] penzz
¤ Inside the arcade. Near the thing that has colorful balls inside it.(Sorry, I don't know how it's called XI)
¤ By the Merry-Go-Round. To the left of the blue balloon.
¤ Near the pool. In the inner side of the pink float.
¤ Inside the shack near the pool. On the orange striped chair.
¤ By the gate/water fountain. Near the lower-right corner of the screen.
¤ Outside the cinema. Behind the DDR machine.
¤ Inside the gift shop. On top of the purple shelf.
¤ Inside the cafe. On top of the pepper that's on the right-most table.

[[Stickers]] stck
¤ Horse sticker: You get this if Lena's affection is at the admirer level and you go to the Merry-Go-Round.(I think you have to see her good friend event by the roller coaster first.)
¤ Coffee-kun sticker: You get this if Arlo's affection is at the friend level and you go to the cafe.
¤ Mr.AntiTouch sticker: You get this if you go watch the movie twice in the cinema. Once from the front seat, once from the back seat.
¤ Alix sticker: Hang out with Thane and Spencer and then go to the Gift Shop.
¤ Mr.Toko sticker: Sit next to everyone in the roller coaster.
¤ Xolga sticker: Sit with everyone in the ferris wheel.
¤ Terry sticker: Win the bet at the arcade by betting on Lena.
¤ Saki sticker:  Witness all pool events.

[[Photo album]] phal
1 You'll get this automatically when you buy the photo album.
2 Hang out with Spencer.
3 Hang out with Thane.
4 Go swimming(buy pool passes) and watch Spencer and Thane fight.
5 Hang out with Bryce.
6 Chill with Bryce at the swimming pool.
7 Hang out with Lena at the swimming pool.
8 Hang out with Lena.
9 Hang out with Arlo
10 Talk with Arlo at the swimming pool.

[[Where people expire]] expr
¤ Bryce: In front of the cinema.
¤ Lena: In front of the ferris wheel.
¤ Spencer: In front of the roller coaster.
¤ Thane: In front of the toilets.

[[Endings]] edgs
¤ Ending 01: Traveler (Evelyn's ending. Let your number on the phone drop to zero.)
¤ Ending 02: Vagabond (Thane's ending.)
¤ Ending 03: Masquerader (Spencer's ending.)
¤ Ending 04: Journeyman (Bryce's ending.)
¤ Ending 05: Hermit (Lena's ending)
¤ Ending 06: Prince (Arlo's ending. Choose to stay.)
¤ Ending 07: Roots (Arlo's ending. Choose to go home. The choice that comes later just makes the ending dialogue different.)
¤ Ending 08: Everyday (Everyone's ending. Be the last one to expire and refuse everyone at the end, if you need to. In Arlo's case, don't let his affection go over good friend level.)

[[Cheat codes]] codz
¤ asdfghjkl (infinite items)
¤ tallyhomofo (infinite money)
¤ allmyfeels (infinite battery)

[[Correct answers]] anzw
[Lena] lenz
- Maybe you could find her through a social network.
- Who do you usually go with?
- What do you mean by 'If'? We'll get out of here for sure.
- I can sort of imagine that being tasty.
- Nice things happen in North Cigam.
- Or we're just short...
-Don't jinx us now.
-If it did fill up this place, we could actually swim out of here.
-They're probably worried about you.
-Summer must be ending.
-No pain, no gain.
-Of all the things to worry about, you think about homework?
-I like your hat.
-What makes you say that?
More to come...

[Bryce] bryz
- Alone?
-Shooting breeze, aren't you?
-That's rather unfortunate...
-We better take good care of our phones.
-Are you okay?
-Is that what you're going to do once you get out of here?
-Some morning must be hard...
-Being what others expect.
-She's cute, isn't she?
More to come...

[Thane] zane
- Don't whine about nice weather.
- We're not robots though.
- Too bad they don't serve coffee here.
- Why wouldn't they be looking for us?
- Why not? Schools not that bad.
- We should hang out sometime. I mean, when we get out of here.
- You sure you can compete with what's out there?
- You've never been in love before?
- Being called 'Sane' is a compliment.
- You're hanging out with lame girls.
- It's all about the thrill.
- I know a few good ones.
- It looks good on you though.
- They look weird to me too.
- Don't drop the soap in there.
- Nothing much happens here?
-I think it's real.
-That's not your responsibility.
-If we get bored enough, we could have a chair fight at the cafe.
-You play an instrument?
-I miss the internet...
-So you quit and came to work here?
-What about me?
More to come...

[Arlo] arlz
- He'd be great to have around  for breakfast.
- Likely they get more water and sun if they're treated well, right?
- If you had to choose, would you get a dog or cat?
- There are no wild dairy cows.
- We can save resources, but people naturally waste things.
- But of we never got bored, we'd never be excited.
- Don't feel bad. She's just not a talker.
- I was spending the day here with my friends.
-I think it's cool.
More to come...

[Spencer] spez
-We have to get out of here eventually...
-I think he's just a hipster. Right-side up glasses are too mainstream for him.
-Are we literally talking about sh*t?
-Why didn't you pack a toothbrush?
-Gotta follow your dreams, right?
-Is it bad that I still watch cartoons?
-I'll play you in a game.
-He's smart and clever, isn't he?
-Can we still die of hunger?
-If you care, you must really want to learn.
-I wonder who programmed it?
-What if you never got hungry?
-I know that feel.
-He's probably just lonely.
-Why? Hanging out is fun, isn't it?
-Why would you not regret coming here?
-It's more important to find people to love rather than to be loved.
-You shouldn't call your friends stupid.
-I don't think this is a dream.
-What kind of things do you think about?
-Do you like school? Or are you one of those guys who thinks it's lame?
-At least we still have resources.
-A break from what?
-Younger twins? That's cute.
-I don't think the others would be too enthusiastic about making a movie.
-You're talking to me though.
-Productive? Like what?    
More to come..?

[[Gifts gifz]] gifz
 [Lena] len2
-Cashy plushie
-Sun block
-Beach ball
-Funnel cake
-Portable game
-Sun glasses

[Bryce] bry2
-.mp3 player
-Funnel cake
-Ice cream

[Thane] 2ane
-Portable game
-Beach ball
-Mini fan
-Funnel cake

[Arlo] arl2
-Sun glasses
-Portable game
-Beach ball
-Cashy plushie

[Spencer] spe2
-.mp3 player
-Ice cream

I'll try to update with more info~


  1. Ending 08: Everyday urgh everyone's ending?

  2. "Ending 02: Vagabond" is Thanes Ending, I think it is rather cute.^^ Only just completed it, after getting the Travelers Ending the first time 'round. :D
    Thanks for your tips, they really helped me out sometimes! =)

    1. Thanks for telling me this! I'll try to get the other endings soon too :)
      I'm glad to have been of service~

    2. You're welcome! =)
      I got Spencers and Bryces Endings after that, as well as the Travellers Ending a few times (I wasn't careful enough and my number dropped too fast... <___<'). But the game is really funny and I'll keep at it until I get to see all the endings and events, haha. =D
      Looks like you got a lot of info by now, the post has grown pretty much already! That's pretty awesome, really. I'll try to input things that haven't been mentioned before when I come across them! =)

    3. Haha, I tend to get Arlo's endings, somehow I'm good at raising his affection even when I don't pay attention to him. And that's kinda what made getting the 8th ending for me hard orz.

      A good way to keep your number high is to either talk a lot to the one you're going after(and get positive answers) or talk to occasionally to the others(and get positive answers).
      A good idea is avoiding giving too many gifts, since that drops the number rabidly. I realized that only after trying to figure out what the characters liked as gifts...

      Even I have to admit that it has grown indeed a lot, but that's mostly thanks to helpful people like you so thanks for the info you've already given and any info that you may give in the future! :D

    4. Arlo's Ending is so cute, isn't it? =) But still, it's annoying to keep getting the same ending when you're actually trying to get a different one, isn't it? xD

      Thanks a lot for your replies so far, I actually didn't think I'd get any response, haha. xD But it's a good thing to have been proven wrong in that case. =D Your tips really helped, thank you so much!

      Yeah, you really got a lot of comments here, it's pretty awesome somehow.^^ I didn't really catch anything that wasn't mentioned before (well, apart from a few minor things, but I figured they weren't as important and people should be able to figure them out by themselves), so that's why I didn't reply until now. But it kept bugging me that I hadn't responded, so well, here I am. xD

      While I'm at it, I've found some really cool stuff and was wondering if you knew about it, since I didn't find anything on here - I'll write it to you via your Contacts form, just so you know.^^

  3. Ending 4: Journeyman :D
    It's Bryce Ending. Hahaha, it's funny and cute at the same time

    There's a penny next to cinema building, in the pool just at the float, in the entrance (just search below)

    1. Thanks for the info! I added it to the walkthrough :)

      (I really should go and get Bryce's and Thane's ending already! Everyone says those are sweet XD)

    Alix: Date to both Spencer and Thane and go somewhere for the event happens.
    Terry: Win the bet in the videogame room (Lena)
    Saki: Hang out with everyone in the swim pool event.

    I don't know how to get Xolga and Mr.Toko yet...

    2. Hang out with Spencer
    3. Hang out with Thane
    4. Watch Thane and Spencer fight in the swim pool
    5. Hang out with Bryce
    6. Chill with Bryce in the swim pool
    7. Hang out with Lena in the swim pool
    8. Hang out with Lena
    9. Hang out with Arlo
    10. Talk with Arlo in the swim pool

    03 Masquerade (Spencer)
    How do I get the ending 8th?

    asdfghjkl - Infinite Items (when you get all the pennys)
    tallyhomofo - Infinite Money (when you get all the photos)
    (when you get all the stickers) - ?

    Hope this help!

    1. Thanks a lot for the info, it really help! :D

      As for the 8th ending, I'm not enterly sure since I haven't gotten it myself... I think somebody mentioned that you shouldn't get together with anyone in particular but still should leave as the last person.
      I'll update the walkthrough when I get the ending :)

    2. Get it. You're welcome and thank you ^^

    3. make spencer your lover and hang out onece. tell him not to leave when he is at the ferris wheel ang when you're level is at 99, meet up with him and say you want to be with him. hope this helps :DD

  5. I can provide more info. :)

    tallyhomofo - infinite money
    allmyfeels - infinite battery

    Alix - hang out with Thane and Spencer, then go to the Alix gift shop (thing)
    Mr. Toko - Sit next to everyone on the rollercoaster
    Xolga - Sit with everyone on the ferris wheel
    Terry the Toaster - win the bet in the arcade (Lena)
    Saki - witness all pool events

    -One for each pool event
    -One for each 'Hang Out'

    And ending 3 is Spencer's

  6. For Spencer, I can give you a few of the correct answers!

    "I wonder who programmed it?"
    "I think he's just a hipster. Right-side up glasses are too mainstream for him."
    "What if you never got hungry?"
    "I know that feel."
    "He's smart and clever, isn't he?"
    "He's probably just lonely."
    "Why? Hanging out is fun, isn't it?"
    "Are we literally talking about s**t?"
    "Why would you not regret coming here?"
    "It's more important to find people to love rather than to be loved."
    "You shouldn't call your friends stupid."
    "I don't think this is a dream."
    "I'll play you in a game."
    "What kind of things do you think about?"
    "Do you like school? Or are you one of those guys who thinks it's lame?"
    "At least we still have resources."

    1. "A break from what?"
      "If you care, you must really want to learn."
      "We have to get out of here eventually."
      "Is it bad that I still watch cartoons?"
      "Younger twins? That's cute."
      "Can we still die of hunger?"
      "I don't think the others would be too enthusiastic about making a movie."
      "You're talking to me though."
      "Why didn't you pack a toothbrush?"
      "Productive? Like what?"

    2. Thanks a lot! I'll update the walkthrough with those now :D

  7. The cheat is tallyhomofo, not tallomofo.

    1. Ah, my mind must have wandered a bit while writing that... Thanks for telling me, I'll change it right away!

  8. im stuck at the part where the game wants you to increase your number to forty. the most i got it to is 38 and it just keeps getting lower every time i do something :(

    1. A good way to keep your number high is to either talk a lot to the one you're going after(and get positive answers) or talk to occasionally to the others(and get positive answers). All events, like watching a movie, going for a ride on a rollers coaster and character specific events rise the number too.
      A good idea is avoiding giving too many gifts, since that drops the number rabidly and giving wrong answers(no heart bubble appears).

      I hope it helps! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Do you recommend us using cheat codes? You know..since it makes expiring easier

    1. I actually recommend the allmyfeels(infinite energy) code, since it's useful for when you want to see the different endings in a short amount time as possible.

      When you use the allmyfeels code you can raise the affection of the character you're going after in one go, without having to go into a building and load the battery full again and then search for the character.
      And you don't have to worry about expiring, since talking/raising affection is the key to not expiring.
      ...Unless you're going after Arlo, that is.(Interacting with him doesn't change your number after all)

      As for the other two codes:
      tallyhomofo (infinite money) itself doesn't really lower your number, so I guess it's good in case you want to complete the picture album in one playthrough(the pool passes cost after all).
      asdfghjkl (infinite items) is the one I wouldn't reccomend using, since that's the one where you'd most likely get your number to zero. Unless you're going after Arlo and want to raise his affection really quickly.Then it's a god given thing, but otherwise it's quite the opposite...

      Sorry for rambling, but I hope it helps :)

  11. I really wanna know, how do you get bryce's and spencer's ending? does anyone know how? Thank you!

    1. Uh wait I got both already ^^"

  12. do you know where is arlo when i need to find arlo on "! find Arlo" quest

    sorry i'm bad at english

    1. Run around the entire park and then go to the fountain. He's there. (I hate running around DX)

    2. I have been running around for 20 minutes.. I don't wanna quit the game either..

  13. apparently if you make spencer and thane fall in love with you they start arguing and you have to chose between them or no one
    cant skip the event either

    did this by accident (their affection kept going up by itself orz)

  14. it also gives you the Alix sticker but at the cost of their relationship droping down to acquaintance

  15. The 8th ending is just so cute and nice and asdfghjidoun't even. I love how they stayed all friends. ;U;
    And other than that I loved Arlo the most, he's just too adorable. C:

  16. what will happening if Bryce and Spencer is in love with me...?

    1. Wait, I have the answer, hang out with Thane and Spencer and go to give shop, by the way, I just trying to get Bryce ending...

  17. I can't get thane to expire! Everyone else has and I have 99 points!

  18. Please help I tried running around everywhere, and then I got all the pennies (I have completed the game once and I went on free mode to play again, I know the pennies have nothing to do with almost anything, just thought maybe it would work) I cannot get Thane to expire!
    Everyone else has.

  19. how do i get thane's ending?

  20. LENA
    - Birds have always had so much freedom.
    - Don't jinx us now.
    - I can sort of imagine that being tasty.
    - I like your hat.
    - I wouldn't want to know.
    - I think he's cute too.
    - If it did fill up this place, we could actually swim out of here.
    - It takes a while to get used to having longer nails.
    - LEE-nah.
    - Maybe we just have bad luck.
    - Maybe you could find her through a social network.
    - Nice things happen in North Cigam.
    - No pain, no gain.
    - Of all the things to worry about, you think about homework?
    - Or we're just short...
    - Summer must be ending.
    - Thanks. You really like it?
    - They're probably worried about you.
    - What do you mean by 'If'? We'll get out of here for sure.
    - What makes you say that?
    - What's it like to live in a big house?
    - Who do you usually go with?
    - Why be okay when you can be great?
    - Why were you thinking of getting a new one?
    - Yeah it's kind of surreal.
    - You say strange things too.
    - Your good at games?

  21. BRYCE
    - Alone?
    - Are you okay?
    - Being what others expect.
    - Do you regret coming here?
    - He's not a bad guy though.
    - Hopefully she'll open up to us.
    - I think we all sometimes fake our own happiness.
    - If you studied abroad, you wouldn't be stuck here.
    - If you're devoted enough, you'll make time for it.
    - I'm guessing you've done this before?
    - Is that what you're going to do once you get out of here?
    - Just me?
    - Lucky? You're very optimistic.
    - Maybe people are finding new interests.
    - Maybe there's actually nothing else on the other side.
    - No pain, no gain, right?
    - Not really. It's hard to know when you haven't done much.
    - Nothing wrong with being old fashioned.
    - Some morning must be hard...
    - Sometimes.
    - She's cute, isn't she?
    - Shooting breeze, aren't you?
    - That's rather unfortunate...
    - Usually there's always that one guy...
    - We better take good care of our phones.
    - What were your dreams like?
    - What's it like living over there?

  22. THANE
    - Being called 'Sane' is a compliment.
    - Don't drop the soap in there.
    - Don't whine about nice weather.
    - I know a few good ones.
    - I know this place like the back of my hand.
    - I miss the internet...
    - I think it's real.
    - If we get bored enough, we could have a chair fight at the cafe.
    - I'm guilty of dropping my phone too.
    - It looks good on you though.
    - It's all about the thrill.
    - Nothing much happens here?
    - Sad but true.
    - So you quit and came to work here?
    - That's not your responsibility.
    - They look weird to me too.
    - This whole place is pretty supicious.
    - Too bad they don't serve coffee here.
    - We should hang out sometime. I mean, when we get out of here.
    - We're not robots though.
    - What about me?
    - Why not? Schools not that bad.
    - Why wouldn't they be looking for us?
    - You play an instrument?
    - You sure you can compete with what's out there?
    - You're hanging out with lame girls.
    - You've never been in love before?
    - But of we never got bored, we'd never be excited.
    - Don't feel bad. She's just not a talker.
    - Everybody's weird in their own way.
    - He looks nerdy enough as is.
    - He'd be great to have around for breakfast.
    - He's probably not feeling well.
    - I am who I am, I guess?
    - I bet it can't do his homework for him.
    - I don't know. Maybe the robot factory?
    - I just tied it up.
    - I like them because they accept me for who I am.
    - I think I have.
    - I think it's cool.
    - I was spending the day here with my friends.
    - If you had to choose, would you get a dog or cat?
    - It's been dry lately, huh?
    - It's not that nice, trust me.
    - Likely they get more water and sun if they're treated well, right?
    - No, you're just tall.
    - Sharks.
    - There are no wild dairy cows.
    - We can save resources, but people naturally waste things.
    - Why's that?
    - You and him both.
    - You have a point.
    - You say weird things.
    - You're just as awkward as I am.
    - You've never been to one before?

    - A break from what?
    - Are we literally talking about sh*t?
    - At least we still have resources.
    - Can we still die of hunger?
    - Do you like school? Or are you one of those guys who thinks it's lame?
    - Gotta follow your dreams, right?
    - He's probably just lonely.
    - He's smart and clever, isn't he?
    - I don't think the others would be too enthusiastic about making a movie.
    - I don't think this is a dream.
    - I know that feel.
    - I think he's just a hipster. Right-side up glasses are too mainstream for him.
    - I wonder who programmed it?
    - I'll play you in a game.
    - If you care, you must really want to learn.
    - Is it bad that I still watch cartoons?
    - It's more important to find people to love rather than to be loved.
    - Productive? Like what?
    - What if you never got hungry?
    - What kind of things do you think about?
    - We have to get out of here eventually...
    - Why didn't you pack a toothbrush?
    - Why? Hanging out is fun, isn't it?
    - Why would you not regret coming here?
    - You shouldn't call your friends stupid.
    - Younger twins? That's cute.
    - You're talking to me though.

  24. what is xolga wheel

  25. how do you get spencers ending?

  26. Ending 01 - "Traveler"
    Allow your number to fall to 0. This games 'Game Over' ending.
    To get your number to 0, you can give people gifts, give the wrong answers to questions, etc. (Basically all 'giving' actions)

    Ending 02 - "Vagabond"
    Talk to Thane and give him gifts until he becomes a Love Interest, and go out with him at least once.
    When he says he is leaving, tell him you want to be with him. Get your number to 100 as normal.

    Ending 03 - "Masquerader"
    Talk to Spencer and give him gifts until becomes a Love Interest, and go out with him at least once.
    When he says he is leaving, tell him you want to be with him. Get your number to 100 as normal.

    Ending 04 - "Journeyman"
    Talk to Bryce and give him gives until he becomes a Love Interest, and go out with him at least once.
    When he says he is leaving, tell him you want to be with him. Get your number to 100 as usual.

    Ending 05 - "Hermit"
    Talk to Lena and give her gifts until she becomes a Love Interest, and go out with her at least once.
    When she says she is leaving, tell her you want to be with her. Get your number to 100 as usual.

    Ending 06 - "Prince"
    Talk to Arlo and give him gifts until he becomes a Love Interest, and go out with him at least once. Get your number to 100 as normal without telling anyone else to wait for you.
    When Arlo asks what you want to do, tell him you want to stay.

    Ending 07 - "Roots"
    Talk to Arlo and give him gifts until he becomes an Love Interest, and go out with him at least once.. Get your number to 100 as normal without telling anyone else to wait for you.
    When Arlso asks what you want to do, tell him you want to go home.

    Ending 08 - "Everyday"
    Get your number to 100 and have everyone else leave without having anyone become an Admirer or Love.
    You can also get this ending if you turn down any confessions you get.
    (Also known as BEST ENDING ASDFGHJKL)

  27. I laughed so hard at Bryce's ending. Ending 4: Journeyman
    Cashy gave Evelyn and Bryce money for "love gloves and rubber magic" xD

    1. LOL I KNOW RIGHT! I laughed even harder when Cashy said "I'll stop cockblocking you now" LOOL.

  28. In the gift shop you can reading that if you collect all the photos, pennies and stickers good things will happen. Do you know what happen?

  29. o-o i dont know how to get the ending ! .. xD

  30. But how do you get to 100 with the little points? I never knew how

  31. What happens if you make someone love you, but then make your points 0? Or is that not even possible?

  32. how do you get 100 happy points?

  33. I very like this Game!!! I have already get all of photo, sticker, and the ending ^_^
    and i like the 6 and 7 ending.... it's so romantic and litle sad
    the 6th ending is being together with arlo forever in that world
    the 7th ending is know the truth of arlo in the real world.... Arlo = barberry tree

    and the happiest ending is 8th (for me ^_^)
    all of the character once again back to arlo's world but not with that happy point rule

    you have to try lunar days sim date to
    that's game very similar with number days sim date i think

  34. im stuck at the part where you have to get 40 happy points help
